

Article 1    Constitution and Seat

1. On the basis of Article 18 of the Italian Constitution and Articles 36, 37, 38 of the Civil Code, Article 90 of Law 289/2002, as subsequently amended and supplemented, and Article 148 section 8 of the Presidential Decree 917/1986, the sports association named: "STANDING COMMITTEE SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO – Amateur Sports Association" hereinafter referred to as "Standing Committee" or, for short, "SC" is established.
2. The Standing Committee, founded in Moena on 10 February 1972 on the initiative of Franco Ceccato of the Ex Cassa di Risparmio di Verona Vicenza e Belluno, was set up with the aim of safeguarding and guaranteeing over time the spirit, prestige, traditions and continuity of the national amateur sports event known at the time as the "Interbancario Meeting", now the "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO" (hereinafter SMIE). The SMIE is an international amateur sporting event, participated in by serving or retired employees of European Banks and Finance Companies. The Standing Committee assigns the organisation of the annual event to an Organising Committee and/or a sponsoring bank, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute and the By-Laws (Implementing Regulation).
3. The name "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO", the name "STANDING COMMITTEE SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO - Amateur Sports Association" as well as the name and distinctive symbol of the "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO" are reserved and protected by international patent and are the exclusive property of the Standing Committee.
4. The languages used in the SC's official communications are Italian, German, English and French. For interpretations of the Statute, the Regulations, the Conventions and the resolutions of the Associations Bodies, the Italian text prevails.
5. The Association has its registered office at the Circolo Dipendenti UniCredit di Verona, located in VERONA (VR), Vicolo Due Mori n. 5/A.
6. The transfer of the Association's seat within the same municipality does not entail a change in the Statute.

Article 2    Aims and objectives

1. The Sports Association:
a) It aims to develop, promote, coordinate initiatives to meet the needs of amateur sports activities for all, men and women of all ages, social classes and nationalities, with particular attention to workers, people most at risk of physical and social marginalisation and their families. For the human and social growth of its members, the association can promote and manage cultural, recreational, educational and training activities including didactic activities for the initiation and improvement of amateur sports activities;
b) It develops its educational task by fostering a community experience aimed at maturing the personality;
c) It undertakes to comply with, respect and observe the Articles of Association and Regulations of the Sports Promotion Organisation and/or Associated Disciplines and National Sports Federations recognised by CONI with which it intends to become affiliated, and to participate in their programme of activities;
d) The Association may join any national or international organisation whose aims are compatible with the statute and which allow for a more effective achievement of the social aims and objectives;
e) It undertakes to carry out its activities loyally, observing the principles and rules of sport in order to safeguard the educational, popular, social and cultural function of sport;
f) The Sports Association is a non-profit organisation inspired by the principles of democracy and equal opportunities for all members and operates within the framework of national and regional laws on sports associations, collaborating with other sports experiences, social forces and institutions to improve laws, regulations and public interventions in the field of sport;
g) In particular, the Association was created for the promotion, diffusion, coordination and practice, also for training purposes, of skiing in its various disciplines (with particular reference to ALPINE SKIING, CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING, SNOWBOARDING). With a view to the athletic preparation of athletes, the association can also carry out gymnastic sport activities aimed at health and fitness. The Association may in any case extend its social purpose to other recreational, sports and cultural disciplines in order to better achieve the aims of the Association.
h) The Association may participate in competitions, tournaments, championships, as well as organise competitions and events, set up internal training courses, with particular attention to the above disciplines, carrying out any initiative useful for the dissemination and practice of sport among young people, workers, families and thus contribute to their psycho-physical, socio-cultural education.
In particular, the Association is the exclusive owner of the rights, assignee, promoter and patron of the "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO": it looks after the framework, continuity, development, respect for tradition and prestige of the international event. The Association assigns the organisation of the "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO" to a European bank and/or to an Organising Committee made up of Institutions, Associations and/or Companies representing tourist resorts and ski areas.
i) The Association may establish relations and sign agreements with public bodies, collaborate on sporting, educational, training and cultural activities, as well as sporting events and initiatives.
j) In order to achieve these aims, the Association may implement, in a secondary and instrumental manner, all those initiatives in any field of sporting activity, recreation, leisure, catering, tourism, services improving the quality of life and entertainment that, by providing indirect funding, allow the expansion and continuous improvement of activities. Any profits from commercial activities shall in any case be entirely allocated to the aims of the Association.

Article 3    Duration

1. The duration of the Association is unlimited and it can only be dissolved by a resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members.

Article 4    Members of the Association

1. All persons who share the aims of the Sports Association are eligible for membership; temporary members are not permitted;
2. Applications for membership shall be addressed, on the form provided for that purpose, to the Executive Committee, which shall submit them to the General Meeting of Members;
3. The submission of an application for admission entitles the member to receive a membership card. It is the task of the General Meeting of Members to approve such admission, in accordance with the By-Laws of the Statute;
4. Members are entitled to participate in all events organised by the Association;
5. All members are eligible to hold an office provided that:
a. They have not been convicted of a criminal offence involving non-culpable behaviour and sentenced to a term of imprisonment exceeding one year or to a sentence involving disqualification from holding public office for a period exceeding one year;
b. They have not, unless rehabilitated, been disqualified or suspended for a total of more than one year in the last ten years;
c. They have not had their sporting activity suspended as a result of the use of substances and methods that alter natural physical performance in sporting activities.
6. For offices involving civil or third-party liability, members who have reached the age of majority are eligible;
7. Members are obliged to:
a. The payment of the membership card or of any monthly or other periodic contributions in relation to the activities of the Sports Association; the membership card and the fees paid are not transferable or revaluable;
b. The compliance with the Statute, the By-Laws, any other internal regulations and resolutions passed by the Associations Bodies, including any supplementing of the company's cash flow by payment of extraordinary dues;
8. Membership is lost by:
a. Resignation;
b. Non-payment of membership fee without justification;
c. Suspension, expulsion or removal for the following reasons:
- If he/she fails to comply with the provisions of this statute, any internal regulations and other resolutions passed by the Associatons bodies;
- If he/she causes moral or material damage to the Sports Association in any way.
9. Members may appeal against suspension, expulsion or removal in the first instance to the General Meeting of Members and, in the second instance, to the Justice Bodies of the CONI.

Article 5    The Cardholders

1. Cardholders are natural persons who belong to the National Sports Federations, Sports Promotion Organisations and/or Associated Disciplines of which the Association is a member.
2. By way of example and not with exhaustive intent, cardholders are those who adhere to the said National Sports Federations, Sports Promotion Organisations and/or Associated Disciplines as:
a) Athletes;
b) Officers and/or Members of the Association itself;
c) Race Officials, referees, technicians, coaches, instructors, etc. registered in the relevant official registers.
3. The Association must provide its cardholders with what is necessary for them to practise the relevant sport, in the same way as it does for its own members.
4. Cardholders who take part in the Association's activities, in the same way as members, must contribute to covering the costs of using the Association's facilities.
5. Cardholders may participate in all the Association’s activities, including those relating to the training and promotion of the sports disciplines practised by the Association within the framework of the relevant National Sports Federations, Sports Promotion Organisations and/or Associated Disciplines to which it adheres.

Article 6    The Association’s bodies

1. The organs of the Sports Association are:
a) the General Meeting of Members (also commonly referred to as the Standing Committee);
b) the Executive Committee;
c) the Chairman;
d) The Board of Auditors.

Article 7    The General Meeting of Members (also commonly referred to as the Standing Committee)

1. The General Meeting of Members of the Sports Association is the sovereign body;
2. It consists of:
a. With the right to speak and vote, by members who have regularly paid their membership fees and who have no disciplinary sanctions in progress;
b. With the right to speak:
- the members, not members of the Association, of any commissions and/or working groups;
- well-deserving personalities (e.g. former Chairmen and former members of the Standing Committee who have retired for reasons of age), who are not members of the Association and who have been so appointed by the Standing Committee, for their support and collaboration with the Association;
- any invited guests, as determined by the Chairman or the Executive Committee.
3. Proxies are not allowed;
4. It is convened by the Chairman, ordinarily at least once a year, and extraordinarily if:
a. the Chairman deems it necessary;
b. it is requested by one third of the members.
The convocation of the General Meeting of Members:
a. Must take place at least 15 days before the meeting is held;
b. Must be posted at the registered office;
c. Must be done by means that ensure adequate publicity. For example:
- By letter, fax, e-mail, newsletter, sms, WhatsApp, etc. sent/disseminated to the address resulting from the register of members;
- By publishing the appropriate notice in the periodical press, and/or in the Association's Periodical, and/or on the Association's website or on documentary and digital communication platforms with access reserved for members. d. It must indicate: the date and place of the meeting; the time of the convocation; the items on the agenda and the programme of work.
5. The tasks of the General Meeting of Members are
a. To decide on applications for membership;
b. To elect the Chairman;
c. To elect the Executive Committee;
d. To elect the Board of Auditors;
e. To approve the budgeted financial statement;
f. To approve the annual economic and financial statement;
g. To define the amount of the annual membership fee;
h. To establish commissions and/or working groups;
i. To decide on policy guidelines and monitoring their implementation by the Executive Committee;
j. To assign the organisation of the SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO and to determine the relevant participation fees;
k. To issue, on the proposal of the Executive Committee, measures to suspend, expel or remove a member;
l. To determine the forfeiture of membership;
m. To adopt a spending limit under which the Chairman, Treasurer and any other authorised persons shall be empowered to act individually without the prior approval of the Executive Committee to facilitate the proper management of the cash and banking operations;
n. To decide on the establishment of additional sports sections and/or disciplines in accordance with Art. 2, Paragraph 1, sub. g);
o. To decide on amendments of the Statute, to approve any regulations and/or conventions;
p. To decide on the dissolution and liquidation of the Association.
6. Upon expiration of the mandate and in cases of resignation or lapse of the majority of the members of the Executive Committee, the General Meeting of Members is called to renew the organs. When convened for the renewal of the organs, the General Meeting of Members is convened with the following agenda:
a. Election of the Chairman;
b. Election, on the proposal of the Chairman, of the other members of the Executive Committee according to the characteristics of the Association and taking into account that must be mandatorily elected:
I. two Vice Presidents, one of whom is a Vicar Vice President (First Vice President);
II. the Secretary;
III. The Treasurer.
7. In both ordinary and extraordinary sessions, voting by correspondence or electronically is permitted, provided that the identity of the member attending and voting can be verified.

Article 8    Validity of the General Meeting of Members

1. The Ordinary General Meeting of Members is validly constituted with the presence of the absolute majority of the members entitled to vote and deliberates validly with the favourable vote of the majority of those present. Each member is entitled to one vote.
2. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members is validly constituted when two thirds of the members with voting rights are present and deliberates with the favourable vote of the majority of those present.
3. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members, when its agenda includes the dissolution of the association, is validly constituted with the quorums provided for in article 22 below.

Article 9    Extraordinary General Meeting of Members

1. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members must be convened by the Chairman by registered letter or other suitable form of communication sent to the members at least 15 days before the meeting.
2. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members deliberates on the following matters: approval and amendment of the Statute; acts and contracts relating to real estate rights; dissolution of the association and liquidation procedures.

Article 10    The Executive Committee of the Sports Association

1. The Executive Committee is the executive body of the Sports Association.
2. It consists of 5 to 7 members, including the Chairman.
3. The offices of the Association are held on a free of charge basis.
4. Ordinary meetings of the Executive Committee are convened and chaired by the Chairmen when he deems it necessary and urgent, or at the request of the majority of its members.
5. Meetings are valid with the presence of the majority of its members and decisions are taken with the favourable vote of the absolute majority of those present. In the event of a tie, the vote of the person chairing the meeting prevails.
6. The Executive Committee remains in office for four years, but falls from office if, due to resignation or other reasons, the majority of the members elected by the General Meeting of Members leave office.
7. The members of the Executive Committee may not hold similar positions in other amateur sports clubs or associations within the same National Sports Federation or Associated Discipline recognised by CONI, or within the same discipline belonging to a Sports Promotion Organisation.
8. Voting by correspondence or electronically is permitted, provided that the identity of the member of the Executive Committee participating and voting can be verified.

Article 11    Tasks of the Executive Committee

1. The tasks of the Executive Committee are:
a. The ordinary management of all administrative and technical activities relating to the life of the Association;
b. to draw up the budget forecast and the annual financial statement for submission to the General Meeting of Members;
c. to propose to the General Meeting of Members any expulsion measures to be taken against members should they become necessary;
d. to implement the aims laid down in the Statute and to implement the decisions of the General Meeting of Members;
e. to develop the programme established by the General Meeting of Members;
f. The ordinary management of all administrative and technical activities related to the SMIE;
g. to collect, evaluate and/or formulate in the first instance, proposals for amendments to the Statute, Regulations and Conventions forwarded with a reasoned opinion to the General Meeting of Members;
h. to take measures, in cases of urgency and necessity, to be submitted for ratification to the General Meeting of Members at its next meeting.

Article 12    The Chairman

1. The Chairman is the legal representative of the Association and represents it in external relations, either personally or through his delegates;
2. He/She fixes the dates of the Ordinary General Meetings of Members to be held at least once a year and convenes an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members if he/she deems it necessary or if requested by the members;
3. He/She convenes and chairs the Executive Committee and oversees its deliberations;
4. He/She stipulates the acts relating to the Association's activities;
5. The outgoing Chairman is required to regularly hand over the organisation, finances and assets to the new Chairman within 20 days of the latter's election; such handing over must be recorded in specific minutes to be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee at its first meeting.

Article 13    The Vicar Vice President and the Vice President

1. In the event of the Chairman’s impediment or absence for an extended period of time, the Vicar Vice President replaces him in his duties. In the event of the Vicar Vice President’s impediment, the second Vice President replaces him in his duties.

Article 14    The Treasurer

1. The Treasurer is responsible for the correct setting of the accounting records, collects the revenues, executes payments, prepares the financial statement forecast and the annual economic and financial statement.
2. For payment orders exceeding the spending limit determined by the General Meeting of Members , a joint signature with the Chairman or another member explicitly delegated for this purpose by the General Meeting of Members is required.

Article 15    The Secretary

1. The Secretary prepares and delivers documents for the meetings of the collegiate bodies;
2. He/She prepares and distributes the relevant minutes. In the event of his/her absence during a meeting, an ad hoc secretary may be appointed from among those present;
3. He/She assists the Chairman in the handling of relations and/or correspondence with the members of the collegiate bodies, with other institutions and with third parties;
4. He/She takes care of archive management.

Article 16    Minutes

1. Minutes of all meetings of the General Meeting of Members (also commonly referred to as the Standing Committee), the Executive Committee and the Board of Auditors shall be taken and recorded in the appropriate books.

Article 17    The Financial statement

1. The Executive Committee draws up the Association's economic and financial statement, both preventive and final, for approval by the General Meeting of Members.
2. The annual financial statement:
a. must provide information on the economic and financial situation of the Association, with a separate indication of any commercial activity carried out alongside the institutional activity; this also by means of a separate accompanying report.
b. must be drawn up clearly and must represent in a truthful and correct manner the financial and economic situation of the Association, in compliance with the principle of transparency towards the members.
3. A copy of the annual financial statement must be made available to all members, with the convocation of the General Meeting of Members whose agenda includes approval of the financial statement.

Article 18    The Board of Auditors

1. The Board of Auditors consists of three members elected by the General Meeting of Members.
2. The members may also be elected from among non-members of the Association and must have proven experience in administration and accounting.
3. At its first meeting, the Board elects its Chairman.
4. Members of the Board of Auditors remain in office for four years and may be re-elected.
5. The meetings of the Board are valid with the presence of all members and deliberate by majority vote.
6. In the event of the resignation or laps of a member of the Board of Auditors, the General Meeting of Members appoints a new member at its next meeting. The newly elected member remains in office until the natural expiry of the Board.
7. In the event of the resignation or lapse of two or all the members of the Board, the General Meeting of Members elects the entire body at its next meeting, which remains in office for the next four years.
8. The Board of Auditors is obliged:
a) to verify the correctness of the bookkeeping;
b) to examine the annual financial statement;
c) to present its report to the General Meeting of Members.
9. Voting by correspondence or electronically is permitted, provided that the identity of the member of the Board of Auditors attending and voting can be verified.

Article 19    Financial year

1. The financial year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December of each year.

Article 20    Association records

1. The Association shall keep the following registers and records, in addition to those that may be required by law:
a) minute register of the General Meetings of Members;
b) minute register of the Meetings of the Executive Committee;
c) register of Members;
d) register of Cardholders (if any).

Article 21    Assets

1. The Association's assets are made up of the Members' contributions and of all the movable and immovable property received for any reason or cause. Individual Members may not, in case of withdrawal, ask the Association to divide the common fund;
2. Given the nature of a non-profit association, it is compulsory to reinvest any profits produced for institutional purposes and consequently it is forbidden to distribute profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital among the members, even indirectly, during the life of the association, unless the destination and distribution are imposed by law;
3. The Association's assets must be inventoried.

Article 22    Dissolution of the Association

1. The dissolution of the Association is decided by the General Meeting of Members, convened in extraordinary session, with the approval of at least 2/3 of the Members expressing only their personal vote, excluding proxies. Similarly, the request for an Extraordinary General Meeting by members for the dissolution of the Association must be presented by at least 2/3 of the members with voting rights, excluding proxies.
2. The General Meeting of Members, at the time of the Association's dissolution, shall decide, after consultation with the competent authority, on the allocation of any remaining assets of the Association for sporting purposes.