



  1. In compliance with Legislative Decree no. 117 of 3 July 2017, hereinafter referred to as "CTS", with Legislative Decree no. 36 of 28 February 2021, as amended and with the Civil Code, the non-recognised, non-partisan and non-confessional Association called: "STANDING COMMITTEE SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO
  2. ASSOCIAZIONE SPORTIVA DILETTANTISTICA APS", hereinafter also referred to as "COMITATO PERMANENTE SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO ASD APS" or "C.P. SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO ASD APS" hereinafter referred to as the "Standing Committee" or "CP" for short, is established.
  3. Once the Association has been registered in the appropriate section of the Single National Register of the Third Sector, it may use the name of Association of Social Promotion or the acronym APS.
  4. The Standing Committee, founded in Moena on 10 February 1972 on the initiative of Franco Ceccato of the Ex Cassa di Risparmio di Verona Vicenza e Belluno, was set up with the aim of safeguarding and guaranteeing over time the spirit, prestige, traditions and continuity of the national amateur sports event known at the time under the name of "Interbancario Meeting", now "Ski Meeting Interbancario Europeo" (hereinafter SMIE).
  5. The SMIE is an international amateur sports event attended by active or retired employees of European credit and finance companies. The Standing Committee assigns the organisation of the annual event to an Organising Committee and/or a sponsoring bank, in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes and the Implementing Rules.
  6. The name "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO", the name "STANDING COMMITTEE SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO  - Amateur Sports Association APS" as well as the name and distinctive symbol of the "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO" are reserved and protected by international patent and are the exclusive property of the Standing Committee.
  7. The languages used in the official communications of the SC are Italian, German, English and French. For interpretations of the Statutes, Regulations, Conventions and Resolutions of the Governing Bodies, the Italian text shall prevail.
  8. The association has unlimited duration.
  9. The association has its registered office at Circolo Dipendenti UniCredit di Verona, located in VERONA (VR), Vicolo Due Mori n. 5/A. Any change in the registered office within the same municipality does not entail a change in the articles of association and is decided by resolution of the Executive Committee, subsequently notified to the competent offices by the legal representative.
  10. The Association may also establish secondary offices by resolution of the Executive Committee.



  1. The Association pursues non-profit, civic, solidarity and socially useful purposes and bases its institutional and associative activities on the constitutional principles of democracy, social participation and subsidiarity.
  2. In particular, the Association
    1. organises associative life as a community experience that fosters the maturation of personality, awareness of one's own potential and limits, respect for other people, education for commitment and assumption of responsibility;
    2. supports the educational values of sport and its social role in promoting a culture of rights, legality, solidarity, integration, inclusion and social cohesion;
    3. welcomes and promotes voluntary experiences
    4. aims its initiatives at socialisation, the maturation of a critical conscience, ethical discernment, the exercise of responsibility and the expression of the dignity of the human person.
  3. As an ASD, the Association agrees to comply unconditionally with the principles of the general and sporting order and conforms to the rules and directives of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), as well as to the statutes and regulations of the Unione Sportiva ACLI as a sports promotion body recognised by CONI and the Italian Paralympic Committee (C.I.P.).
  4. In the pursuit of its purposes, the Association organises and manages amateur sports activities, including training, teaching, preparation and assistance for amateur sports activities, with particular reference to the activities
    1. SKIING in its various disciplines, with reference to ALPINE SKIING and CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING.
    2. GYMNASTICS in all its disciplines and with particular reference to GYMNASTIC SPORTS ACTIVITIES AIMED AT HEALTH AND FITNESS and GYMNASTICS FOR ALL.
  5. In addition to the organisation and management of amateur sporting activities (Art. 5, C.1, Lett.t), the Association may also carry out the following activities of general interest referred to in Art. 5, Paragraph 1, Legislative Decree 117/2017
    1. interventions for the protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage and landscape, pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 42 of 22 January 2004, as amended (D.Lgs.117/2017, Art.5, C.1, Lett.f);
    2. organisation and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including activities, including publishing, promotion and dissemination of the culture and practice of voluntary work and activities of general interest referred to in this Article (Legislative Decree 117/2017, Art.5, C.1, Lett.i).
    3. organisation and management of tourist activities of social, cultural or religious interest (D.Lgs.117/2017, Art.5, C.1, Lett.k).

By way of example, and not with the intention of being exhaustive, the association will endeavour to promote competitions, tournaments, championships, as well as call for competitions and events, set up internal training and training courses, with particular attention to the above-mentioned sports disciplines, carrying out any initiative useful for the dissemination and practice of sport among young people, workers, families and thus contribute to their psycho-physical, socio-cultural training. In particular, the association is the rights holder, assignor, promoter and exclusive patron of the "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO": it takes care of the framework, continuity, development, respect for tradition and prestige of the international event. The association assigns the organisation of the "SKI MEETING INTERBANCARIO EUROPEO" to a European credit company and/or to an organising committee consisting of bodies, associations and/or companies representing tourist resorts and ski areas.

  1. The Association pursues the aims referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article through the continued performance of the aforementioned activities of general interest, referred to in Art. 5 of the CTS, for the benefit of its members, their families and third parties.
  2. The Association may also carry out its activities through the acquisition, leasing and management of facilities, areas and structures for the organisation and practice of sport.
  3. Pursuant to art. 6 of the CTS, the Association may carry out activities other than those of general interest, secondary and instrumental to the latter, according to criteria and limits defined by a specific Ministerial Decree. Their identification is carried out by the Executive Committee.
  4. The Association may also carry out fundraising activities, in compliance with the principles of truthfulness, transparency and fairness with supporters and the public, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the CTS.



  1. In order to carry out the activities referred to in Art. 2 of these Articles of Association, the Association relies mainly on the voluntary work of its members or of persons belonging to associated organisations.
  2. The volunteer, by his or her own free choice, carries out his or her activity in favour of the community and the common good in a personal, spontaneous and free manner, without any profit motive, not even indirect, and exclusively for purposes of solidarity.
  3. The status of volunteer is incompatible with any form of employment or self-employment relationship and with any other paid employment relationship with the Association of which the volunteer is a member or associate or through which he or she carries out his or her voluntary activity.
  4. The activity of the volunteer may not be remunerated in any way, not even by the beneficiary. Volunteers may only be reimbursed for expenses actually incurred and documented for the activity performed, within the maximum limits and under the conditions laid down in advance by the Executive Committee of the Association. Flat-rate reimbursement of expenses is prohibited.
  5. Pursuant to Article 17 paragraph 4 of the CTS, expenses incurred by the volunteer may also be reimbursed based on a self-certification made pursuant to Article 46 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000, subject to a resolution of the Executive Committee establishing the types of expenses and voluntary activities for which this simplified reimbursement method is allowed.
  6. Volunteers performing voluntary work are insured for illness, accident, and third-party liability pursuant to Article 18 of Legislative Decree 117/2017.
  7. The Association shall register volunteers who perform their activity on a non-occasional basis in a specially endorsed register.



  1. Membership of the Association is open, without any kind of discrimination or limitation due to economic conditions, to all persons, natural persons of both sexes, of any conviction, ideology, confession, who reflect themselves in the purposes of the Association and who wish, in a spirit of service and with an attitude of genuine dialogue and concrete collaboration, to work for the aforesaid purposes, also deciding to comply with these articles of association.
  2. No reason related to race, sex, religion, possession of Italian or foreign citizenship may be used as a basis for refusing an application to join the Association.
  3. Members have the same rights and the same duties.
  4. In the case of minor members or persons with limited legal capacity, the right to vote and the other rights recognised for members shall be exercised by the holders of parental responsibility or guardianship over the members.
  5. Other social promotion associations, as well as other third-sector or non-profit organisations may join the association provided that their number does not exceed fifty per cent of the number of social promotion associations.
  6. The number of members is unlimited but, in any case, cannot be less than the minimum number required by law. If after its incorporation the number should fall below the minimum required, the Association must promptly notify the Office of the Single National Register of the Third Sector and integrate the number within one year.
  7. Admission to the Association is decided by the Executive Committee upon the application of the interested party according to the non-discriminatory criteria set forth in paragraph 2 of this Article. The decision shall be communicated to the interested party and recorded in the register of members.
  8. The application must also specify that the applicant undertakes to accept the rules of the Articles of Association and internal regulations, to comply with the provisions to be issued by the Executive Committee and the Assembly, and to participate in the life of the Association.
  9. Applications for membership submitted by minors or persons with limited legal capacity shall be countersigned by the exercising parental and/or guardian responsibility, who shall be liable to the Association for all obligations of the minor associate or person with limited legal capacity.
  10. If the application is rejected, the Executive Committee shall notify the person concerned of its decision within 30 days, giving its reasons.
  11. The aspiring associate may, within 30 days of such communication of rejection, request that the Assembly decide on the application, if not specially convened, at the next convocation.
  12. Admission to membership is for an indefinite period, without prejudice to the right of withdrawal.
  13. Temporary associates are not admitted.
  14. The membership fee, if any, decided by the Assembly, is non-transferable for any reason, non-refundable and non-revaluable.



  1. Members have the right to
    1. elect the social organs and to be elected in the same;
    2. be informed about the Association's activities and monitor its progress;
    3. take note of the agenda of the meetings;
    4. examine the Association's books according to the rules laid down in Article 17 below;
    5. vote in the Assembly if they have been registered in the register of members for at least three months;
    6. denounce facts that they deem reprehensible pursuant to Article 29 of the CTS.
  2. Members are obliged to comply with this statute, which constitutes the fundamental rule of conduct for the activities of the Association itself, and with the rules of execution for the regulation of more particular organisational aspects, if approved by the Assembly.
  3. It is also the duty of the members
    1. comply with the resolutions of the corporate bodies;
    2. participate in the life of the Association and contribute to the smooth running of the organisation and the implementation of the statutory activities through their own free commitment;
    3. not cause moral or material damage to the organisation;
    4. pay, if any, the membership fee in accordance with the amount, method of payment and terms annually established by the competent body.



  1. Membership is lost by death, withdrawal or exclusion.
  2. The member may withdraw from the Association by written notice to the Executive Committee. Withdrawal is effective immediately and the Executive Committee acknowledges it at the first meeting and proceeds to remove it from the Register of Members with effect from the date of transmission of the written communication.
  3. A member who seriously breaches the duties set forth in Article 5 of these Articles of Association may be excluded from the Association by reasoned resolution of the Executive Committee, which must be communicated to the person concerned within the following ten days.
  4. The interested party may lodge a complaint against the resolution of the Executive Committee by asking the legal representative by registered letter or pec, within 15 days of receipt of the communication, to review the decision adopted by the Executive Committee.
  5. Within the following 30 days the Assembly shall deliberate by secret vote on the exclusion resolution adopted by the Executive Committee, after having heard the interested party in cross-examination. In any case, the decision of the Assembly shall be adequately communicated to the member, who, in the event of exclusion, shall be removed from the Register of Members with effect from the date of the decision of the Assembly body.
  6. The member may appeal to the judicial authorities within six months from the day of notification of the resolution.



  1. The social organs of the Association are:
    1. Assembly of the Members (commonly referred to as the Standing Committee);
    2. Executive Committee;
    3. Chairperson;
    4. Control Body, where mandatory upon the occurrence of the conditions set out in Article 30 of Legislative Decree 117/2017.
  2. The members of the corporate bodies, with the exception of those of the Control Body and the Statutory Auditor, who meet the requirements set forth in Article 2397, second paragraph of the Civil Code, may not be awarded any remuneration, except for the reimbursement of expenses actually incurred and documented for the activity performed for the purpose of carrying out the function.



  1. The Assembly is the sovereign body and is composed of the members of the Association, registered in the Register of Members.
  2. Each associate has the right to one vote and may be represented by another associate, by giving a written proxy, also at the foot of the notice of convocation. Each associate may represent a maximum of two associates.
  3. All those who have been registered for at least three months in the register of members shall have the right to vote. Failure to pay the membership fee shall not result in exclusion from the right to vote until deletion from the book of members.
  4. The number of Members entitled to vote shall be considered for the constitutive and deliberative quorum of the Assembly.
  5. The Assembly shall be chaired by the Chairperson of the Association or, in his absence, by the Vice-Chairperson or a person appointed as Chairperson by those attending the Assembly.
  6. It is convened at least once a year by the Chairperson of the Association or the person acting in his stead by written notice to be sent at least 15 days before the date set for the meeting and containing the date of the meeting, the time, place, agenda, and possible date of second convocation.
  7. The second convocation shall be set at least 24 hours after the first one.
  8. Such notice may be given by letter and/or e-mail with notification of delivery sent to the address on the register of members and/or by means of a notice posted at the Association's headquarters.
  9. The Assembly shall also be convened at the request of at least one tenth of the members or when the majority of the Executive Committee deems it necessary.
  10. In these cases, the Chairperson must provide for the convocation of the Assembly, which must take place within 60 (sixty) days from the date of the request. If the Chairperson fails to convene the Assembly within the aforementioned terms, the control body, if appointed, shall proceed in his stead and without delay.
  11. Votes shall be open, except for those concerning persons.
  12. Minutes of the meetings of the Assembly shall be drawn up, signed by the Chairperson and the minute taker, and kept at the headquarters of the Association.
  13. The Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary. Extraordinary is the one convened for the modification of the articles of association or statutes, the dissolution of the Association and the devolution of its patrimony, merger, transformation or division. It is ordinary in all other cases.
  14. For both Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings, voting by correspondence or electronically is permitted, provided that the identity of the member attending and voting can be verified.



  1. The Assembly
    1. determines the general policy guidelines of the Association's activities;
    2. appoints and revokes the members of the corporate bodies, including the Chairperson and possibly the Vice Chairperson;
    3. appoints and revokes, when provided for, the person in charge of the statutory auditing of accounts;
    4. approves the financial statements and the balance sheet, when provided for;
    5. decides on the liability of members of the corporate bodies and promotes liability actions against them;
    6. decides on the number of members of the Executive Committee within the terms set forth in Article 12 below;
    7. deliberates on any request for reconsideration made by an aspiring member regarding the decision of non-admission of the Executive Committee;
    8. deliberates on any request for reconsideration promoted by the excluded member regarding the decision of exclusion of the Executive Committee;
    9. decides on amendments to the Memorandum and Articles of Association;
    10. approves any regulations for the proceedings of the General Meeting;
    11. decides on the dissolution, transformation, merger or demerger of the Association.



  1. The Ordinary Assembly is regularly constituted in first call with the presence of half plus one of the members, present in person or by proxy, and in second call whatever the number of members present, in person or by proxy.
  2. The Ordinary Assembly shall decide by majority vote of those present.
  3. In resolutions approving the budget and in those concerning their responsibility, the members of the Executive Committee do not have the right to vote.



  1. The extraordinary assembly amends the articles of association and statutes of the Association with the presence of at least 50%+1 of the members and the favourable vote of the majority of those present.
  2. The Extraordinary Assembly shall resolve on the dissolution, liquidation and relative devolution of the assets, as well as the transformation, merger and demerger with the presence of at least 3/4 of the members and the favourable vote of at least 3/4 of those present.
  3. Voting by correspondence or electronically is permitted, provided that the identity of the member attending and voting can be verified.



  1. The Executive Committee governs the Association and acts in implementation of the will and general guidelines of the Assembly to which it is directly answerable and by which it can be dismissed.
  2. The Executive Committee shall be composed, always in odd numbers and in compliance with the criterion of the otherness of the Association bodies, of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 members, including the Chairperson, elected by the Assembly from among the natural persons associated or indicated by the associated legal entities, with the exception of the first directors who are appointed by the deed of association.
  3. It shall hold office for four years and its members may be re-elected.
  4. The Executive Committee is validly constituted when the majority of its members are present. If it consists of only three members, it is validly constituted when all of them are present. Resolutions are passed by a majority of those present.
  5. Article 2382 of the Civil Code shall apply. Article 2475-ter of the Civil Code shall apply to the conflict of interest of directors.
  6. The members of the Executive Committee are prohibited from holding any office in other amateur sports bodies within the same National Sports Federation, Associated Sports Discipline or Sports Promotion Body recognised by CONI and, if paralympic, recognised by CIP.
  7. The Executive Committee performs all acts of ordinary and extraordinary administration whose competence is not by law the exclusive competence of the Assembly.
  8. In particular, among other tasks:
    1. it administers the association,
    2. implement the resolutions of the Assembly,
    3. prepares the financial statements and, if applicable, the balance sheet, submits them to the Assembly for approval, and takes care of any further fulfilments required by law,
    4. prepare all elements useful to the Assembly for the economic forecast and planning of the financial year,
    5. stipulates all acts and contracts pertaining to the Association's activities,
    6. is responsible for keeping the association's books within its competence,
    7. is responsible for the fulfilment of the obligations connected with registration in the Runts,
    8. decides on applications for the admission and exclusion of members.
  9. The power of representation attributed to the members of the Executive Committee is general, therefore limitations of this power cannot be opposed to third parties if they are not recorded in the Single National Register of the Third Sector or if it is not proven that third parties were aware of them.
  10. The Chairperson of the Association is the Chairperson of the Executive Committee and is appointed by the Assembly together with the other members of the Executive Committee.
  11. In the event of the irreversible loss of one or more councillors, the Executive Committee shall complete its membership with the first in the list of candidates for councillor who were "not elected". If this is exhausted, i.e. non-existent, the Chairperson convenes the Assembly for by-elections for the members to be replaced. In any case, new councillors expire together with those who are in office at the time of their appointment. If more than half of the councillors leave office, the Chairperson must promptly convene the Assembly for new elections, and the Executive Committee is considered to have lapsed in its entirety.
  12. Voting by correspondence or electronically is allowed, provided the identity of the member participating and voting can be verified.



  1. The Chairperson is elected by the Assembly by majority vote of those present, legally represents the Association and performs all acts that commit it externally.
  2. The Chairperson holds office for as long as the Executive Committee and ceases to hold office due to expiry of the term, voluntary resignation or revocation decided by the Assembly.
  3. At least one month before the expiry of the term of office, the Chairperson shall convene the Assembly for the election of the new Executive Committee.
  4. The Chairperson convenes and chairs the Assembly and the Executive Committee, carries out the ordinary administration on the basis of the directives of these bodies, and reports to the Executive Committee on the activity carried out.
  5. The Vice-Chairperson, elected by the Assembly, replaces the Chairperson in all his duties whenever the latter is prevented from exercising his functions.



  1. If two of the limits referred to in Article 30, paragraph 2, of the CTS are exceeded for two consecutive financial years, the Assembly shall elect a monocratic Control Body.
  2. Article 2399 of the Civil Code shall apply to the Control Body, and it must be chosen from among the categories of persons referred to in Article 2397, paragraph 2, of the Civil Code.
  3. The Control Body monitors compliance with the law and the bylaws and compliance with the principles of proper administration, also with reference to the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001, where applicable, as well as the adequacy of the organisational, administrative and accounting structure and its actual functioning.
  4. The Control Body also performs the task of monitoring compliance with the civic, solidarity and socially useful purposes, with particular regard to Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the CTS, and certifies that the social report has been drawn up in accordance with the guidelines set out in Article 14 of the Third Sector Code. The social report acknowledges the results of the monitoring carried out by the control body.
  5. The Controlling Body may at any time proceed, also individually, to acts of inspection and control, and to this end, it may ask the directors for information on the course of the company's operations or on specific affairs.
  6. The Control Body may also exercise, following a resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting, upon exceeding the limits set forth in Article 31, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 117/2017, the statutory audit of the accounts, provided that it is composed of a person entered in the Register of Statutory Auditors.
  7. In addition, the Assembly shall elect the Audit Board if it deems it appropriate due to the complexity of the activities organised or due to the significance of public contributions to be managed.



  1. The Assembly, if the requirements set forth in Article 31 of Legislative Decree 117/2017 are met, may resolve to appoint - in the event that the statutory audit function is not assigned to the Control Body, pursuant to paragraph 6 of the preceding article - a Statutory Auditor or a Statutory Auditing Company registered in the appropriate register.
  2. In any case, the Assembly may elect a Statutory Auditor, should it deem it appropriate due to the complexity of the activities organised or due to the relevance of public contributions to be managed.



  1. The Association is obliged to keep the following books:
    1. the membership book kept by the Executive Committee;
    2. the book of meetings and resolutions of the assemblies, in which the minutes drawn up by public deed must also be transcribed, kept by the Executive Committee;
    3. the book of meetings and resolutions of the Executive Committee, the Supervisory Board, and the other corporate bodies, kept by the body to which they refer;
    4. the register of volunteers, kept by the Executive Committee, duly stampe
  2. All members have the right to examine the corporate books kept at the registered office of the organisation, within 14 days from the date of the request made to the competent body.



  1. The economic resources of the Association are made up of:
    1. membership fees;
    2. public and private contributions;
    3. donations and testamentary legacies;
    4. income from assets;
    5. fund-raising activities;
    6. reimbursements from conventions;
    7. any other income allowed under Legislative Decree 117/2017.
  2. The Association's assets are real estate, movable registered assets and movable property. Real estate and movable registered property may be acquired by the Association and are in its name.
  3. The immovable property, movable registered property and movable registered property that are located at the headquarters of the association are listed in the inventory, which is deposited at the headquarters of the association and can be consulted by the members.



  1. The balance sheet of the Association is annual and commences on 1st January of each year. It is drawn up in accordance with Articles 13 and 87 of Legislative Decree 117/2017, its Implementing Decrees and related implementing rules.
  2. The financial statements must give a true and fair view of the economic and financial performance of the Association.
  3. The financial statements shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and approved by the Ordinary Assembly within 4 months of the end of the financial year to which the financial statements refer and filed with the Single National Register of the Third Sector by 30 June of each year.



The social balance sheet is drawn up by the Executive Committee in the cases and manner provided for by Article 14 of Legislative Decree 117/2017.



The Association is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits and operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during its life pursuant to Art. 8 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 117/2017 as well as the obligation to use the assets, including any revenues, income, revenue however denominated, to carry out the statutory activity for the exclusive pursuit of the intended purposes.



  1. The conventions between the Social Promotion Association and the Public Administrations referred to in Article 56 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 117/2017 are resolved by the Executive Committee, which also determines the implementing procedures, and are entered into by the Chairperson of the Association, as its legal representative.
  2. A copy of each agreement shall be kept by the Chairperson at the Association's headquarters.



  1. The Social Promotion Association may employ paid staff within the limits set out in Article 36 of Legislative Decree 117/2017. The Association may employ employees or make use of self-employed or other services, including those of its members, provided they are not volunteers, where necessary for the purposes of carrying out the activities of general interest referred to in Article 2 of these Articles of Association and the pursuit of its aims. In any case, the number of workers employed in the activity may not exceed 50% of the number of volunteers or 5% of the number of members.
  2. Relations between the Association and paid staff are governed by Art. 16 of the CTS, by the relevant laws and by any special regulations adopted by the Assembly of the Association.



  1. Card-carrying members are natural persons who are members of the National Sports Federations, of the Associated Sports Disciplines, of the Sports Promotion Bodies recognised by CONI and CIP to which the Association is affiliated and are represented by:
    1. athletes;
    2. social executives and members of affiliated clubs;
    3. judges/referees;
    4. executives;
    5. technicians, instructors;
    6. other members of the Federations and Bodies to which the Association is affiliated;
  2. The Association (through its affiliation to the National Sports Federations, Associated Sports Disciplines and Sports Promotion Bodies), must guarantee its Card-holding members what is necessary for them to practise the sport they practise, in the same way as its Members.
  3. Members of the National Sports Federations, the Associated Sports Disciplines and the Sports Promotion Bodies to which the Association is affiliated, in the same way as the Association's Members, must contribute to covering the costs related to the use of the Association's facilities and to the performance of sports, training, educational and promotional activities.
  4. A minor who has reached the age of 14 cannot be a member unless he/she personally gives his/her consent.
  5. For anything not expressly contemplated in this article, reference is made to the provisions of Title III - Chapter I - Articles 15 and 16 of Legislative Decree 36/2021.



For obligations assumed by the persons representing the Association, third parties may assert their rights on the common fund. The persons who have acted in the name and on behalf of the Association shall be personally and jointly liable for the obligations undertaken.



In the event of extinction or dissolution, the residual assets shall be devolved, subject to the positive opinion of the competent Office of the Single National Register of the Third Sector and unless otherwise required by law, to other Third Sector bodies having sporting purposes, in compliance with the provisions of the laws in force.



For all that is not provided for by these Articles of Association, reference is made to the relevant regulations in force and to the general principles of the legal system.